THE popular XXXX Club of the Week competition is back!
This is your chance to nominate your club to go into the running to share in a weekly prize draw of $1000 worth of XXXX / Maroons merchandise.
All winning weekly entries will go into the draw to win the grand final prize of $5000 worth of food, beverage and entertainment for an end-of-season function at your club.
Watch Maroon Zone feature on 2013 overall XXXX Club of the Week winners St George above.
To enter is simple – all you have to do is submit a written entry of 200-500 words telling us why your club deserves to be the XXXX Club of the Week with a relevant high-resolution photograph (you may also include a video).
Read the Courier Mail's story on the winning club here.
Entries will be based on one or more of the below criteria:
• Your club’s community involvement
• Notable club performances – unique recent achievement (within 12 months of entry date)
• Notable club performances – achievement over long term (achieved more than 12 months prior to date of entry)
• Club culture and spirit
Weekly submissions must be in prior to 5pm each Friday to qualify for the round.
To enter, send your submission including club name, club contact, address, phone number and email address to and make the subject line of the email ‘XXXX Club of the Week’.
Summary of what’s required in your entry:
200-500 words based on the below criteria:
• Your club’s community involvement
• Notable club performances – unique recent achievement (within 12 months of entry date)
• Notable club performances – achievement over long term (achieved more than 12 months prior to date of entry)
• Club culture and spirit
PLUS: A photo, club logo (high resolution), video (optional), club name, league, contact person, contact email address, mobile/ contact number, postal address.